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East Africa


Kenya is one of the countries in East Africa and the world that has suffered a deadly blow from  COVID-19, which has recently swept across most parts of the world. Over 3 million people in the world have succumbed to the covid-19. Total number of covid-19 deaths in Africa has reached 123,627.  In Kenya coid-19 deaths has gone up to 2,850.

Kenya’s Health stakeholders in collaboration with the World Health Organization, among several other organizations have, and continue to recommend, administering and enforcement of safety measures, both preventive and curative, in an effort to flatten the infection curve, through launching of safety campaigns and implementation of these measures.

Recently, the Kenya’s Health CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi, officially reported the official onset of the third wave of the pandemic. Mwangangi says that the surge in the number of infections in the country and the entire East Africa serves as an indication that as a nation we have lowered our guard and completely disregarded caution, throwing it to the wind. Mwangangi recommends that since Kenya’s Health stakeholders have already communicated to everyone the existence of the third wave, Kenyans should all go back to the basics in response to the Covid-19 as set out by the Ministry of Health.

Over the last few months, the third wave of the deadly COVID-19 has claimed many lives in Kenya, not leaving out the elderly and the young. This has happened mostly due to the ignorance displayed by Kenyans towards both protective and preventive measures, their double standards in relation to these measures, failure to abide by the Ministry of Health (MoH) guidelines, among many other things. Many stakeholders have let down their guard, not leaving out stakeholders in the government who should lead by setting an exemplary standard.

Some of these measures include social distance, lack of physical contact and proper sanitization of both the body and surfaces we come into conduct with in our daily activities. On top of these measures, President Uhuru Kenyatta early last year directed a night- time curfew that ensured all businesses close at 9.00pm (EAT) to ensure that no activities such as drinking in clubs and bars happen at night.

President Uhuru Kenyatta tasked the Police to ensure Kenyans observe all set measures, guidelines and strategies put in place to flatten the COVID 19 infection curve. This ranges from the enforcement of the 8pm evening curfew, proper wearing of facemasks, maintaining of social and physical distance, avoidance and limitations of social gatherings and functions so as to curb the spread of the virus.  

Some Kenyans, despite the indefinite closure of churches, a directive issued by President Uhuru Kenyatta last month, geared towards minimizing the spread of the pandemic, are still operating in churches beyond the recommended capacity. In a crackdown on the same, the   police stopped a live service in a church in Rongai.

The Kenya Police recently warned residents especially of urban centres, towns and cities across the country against defying curfew orders and COVID-19 regulations. Police Spokesman Owino Wahongo, in a televised interview said that police have been tasked under firm instructions This, among other measures have seen the Police also potentially facilitate transmission of the deadly virus from person to person while forcefully holding masses of people arrested past curfew hours in their temporary police quarantines. 

Most people in such facilities that lack proper sanitation, protective equipment and food, and end up contracting the virus. Wahongo further said that Kenyans should avoid the last-minute rush to avoid ending up as culprits of the curfew. “We have seen so many who are caught everyday in the curfew. Kenyans should learn to prepare and do their things early” says Wahongo.

In a research, IEA News reached out to several police officers on this, and one of them, Amos Keitany, says that no one is perfect, ranging from both the police and the wananchi, as some police officers take bribes to cover up the citizens when caught on the wrong by the law. Keitany says Kenyans should not blame the authorities, especially the police for their failure to control themselves in regard to flattening the curve.

“As the police force, we cannot stop some habits that Kenyans have, as some will still shake hands, get close to one another beyond the recommended 1.5 metres social distance, still hide to attend church services and drinking sprees. Yes, they may never be caught, but prevention against the pandemic is more of a personal initiative” says Keitany.  “Some do not wear facemasks or wear them wrongly, or wear them because they do not want to cross paths with the law, rather than for their own safety.“ he adds.  

Peter Kinuthia, a Nairobi resident, is a village head, and head of nyumba kumi in Embakasi. Kinuthia says that stakeholders in the transport industry, both the private and the public sector should also play their role towards flattening the curve. “Despite the social distance recommendation, matatus still ferry excess passengers, due to greed and their strive to cash in. Yes, we know they have loans to service and needs to meet, but even so, they should not risk the lives of other Kenyans.” He speaks.

Peter adds that some people still sit to eat in hotels and restaurants despite the ban and the regulation to strictly serve take-away meals. Some of these people do such things because they do not know the risk behind their actions. “The only remedy here would be the government, in collaboration with Kenya’s ministry of Health and other stakeholders to do more sensitization especially in rural areas. This should target their behaviors and measures that halt the spread of the pandemic. 

Kinuthia adds that it is sad to see the government embracing overcrowding especially in the Railways Sector in Kenya. Before the president halted the movement of the trains in and out of counties within the East African state, Kenyans have been sitting in full capacity in the trains, both the meter gauge and the SGR. Peter says to avoid this Kenya government should introduce more trains plying through all routes to ensure passengers seat separately and safely.

“I wonder why the government should demand and enforce the aspect of social distancing in public service vehicles when they don’t lead by example themselves. They should be exemplary, leading us by practically walking the talk as other stakeholders emulate them.” Says Kinuthia, adding that halting down the spread and reducing the infection curve is both an individual and a collective responsibility as well, asking every Kenyan to be a partaker in the fight against the pandemic. 

Cynthia Nkubitu says that Kenya's public transport vehicles have been deemed to be one of the most unsafe and the weakest towards the fight against COVID-19. “Matatus always carry passengers to their full capacity, with some even carrying excess and being badly driven, where that poses another risk of road safety in addition to COVID. I beseech the authorities to take action against them. 

Cynthia adds that most of the matatus nowadays do not stock safety apparatus like hand sanitizers and hand washing equipment, as they used to do it to play safe to the police and not to protect the passengers, as it should be, but as it is a personal responsibility, passengers do have their own sanitizers. 

Nkubitu supports the words by the Health CAS, Dr. Mercy Mwangangi, noting that Kenyans have let their guard down and dropped the ball as pertains protection against the virus, as some commuters have abhorred digital payment. “They still carry hard cash and do not care about the safety and the hygiene of the crew and the fellow passengers.









Starsight Energy announced its expansion into East Africa via the acquisition of a 50% stake in the East African operations of Premier Solar Group, a Commercial & Industrial (C&I) solar company with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The transaction will see the creation of Starsight Premier Energy Group which will offer sustainable power and cooling-as-a-service and battery storage solutions to C&I clients in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda.

Premier Solar Solutions, the Kenyan subsidiary of Premier Solar Group, is a player in the Kenyan C&I solar sector with five delivered projects totalling 2.7 MW, eight projects totalling 8.8 MW currently in execution, and a pipeline of a further 20 MW in Kenya. Furthermore, expansion into Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda is planned for 2021 and 2022.

Starsight Energy is the C&I solar power provider in West Africa with 41 MW of installed generating capacity, 33 MWh of battery storage, and 16,320 HP in cooling capacity across 547 sites in Nigeria and Ghana. Premier Solar Group brings international experience delivering end-to-end distributed solar PV solutions to C&I clients in East Africa, India, Sri Lanka, and the UAE. The new entity, Starsight Premier Energy Group, will offer clients technology-enabled power and cooling-as-a-service and battery storage solutions that significantly reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions while boosting customer profitability.

Rupesh Hindocha, Founder and CEO of Premier Solar Group, has been appointed Chairman and CEO of Starsight Premier Energy Group. Rajat Surey, Head of Projects and Technical at Premier Solar Group, has been appointed CTO.

Tony Carr, CEO, Starsight Energy: “We are excited to be partnering with Premier Solar Group in East Africa. The newly formed company will deliver significant financial capacity to the region’s energy efficiency market and offer new and existing clients an unprecedented opportunity to scale their sustainable power, cooling, and storage systems. Starsight Premier Energy Group will combine Starsight’s industry-leading service and technology with Premier Solar Group’s established footprint in Kenya. We look forward to bringing our unparalleled service and 99.9% uptime guarantee to new C&I clients in the region.”

Rupesh Hindocha, CEO, Premier Solar Group: “We welcome the partnership with Starsight Energy in East Africa. We knew instantly that Starsight would be the right partner for us because of their reputation for exceptional customer service, innovation, and sustainability. We look forward to continuing to deliver the standard of service and efficiency that has come to define the Starsight Energy and Premier Solar Group brands.”

Anyababa Ikem, Investment Manager, African Infrastructure Investment Managers: “We are proud of our investment in Starsight Energy and believe that this transaction only begins to scratch the surface of market demand for C&I solar solutions in Africa. Further expansion into some of the fastest growing African markets was a natural next step for Starsight, which has come to define the industry standard for distributed solar and cooling solutions in West Africa.”

Tosin Awoyinka, Senior Vice President, Helios Investment Partners: “Starsight Energy has become a market leader in West Africa because of its technology, service, and value proposition. The East African market represents an opportunity for Starsight to further demonstrate the universality of its power, storage, and cooling solutions. We look forward to supporting Starsight Premier Energy Group as it becomes the market leader in East Africa.” - Pie Kamau,

  • President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga at KICC in Nairobi for the National launch of BBI signatures collection exercise. November 25, 2020.
    PSCU /Photo Courtesy
  • The High Court on Thursday, May 13 ruled that the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2020 is unconstitutional due to a number of illegalities within the bill and the entire process that came up with the bill.

    The ruling came after a five-bench judge of the Milimani Law Courts had been tasked with debating as to whether the BBI petition would proceed to the referendum. The judges were to determine 17 questions raised on the petitions against the BBI process.

    The ruling was made by Justice Teresia Matheka, Joel Ngugi, George Odunga, Jairus Ngaah, and Chacha Mwita.

    "The steering committee on the BBI was a brainchild of the President, it has no locus standi in promoting constitutional changes as indicated in Article 257 of the constitution, "Judge Ngaah stated.

    Justice Chacha Mwita's ruling on BBI on Thursday, May 13, 2021
    Photo Courtesy

    The judges ruled that the BBI steering committee was not a popular initiative but rather a task force initiated by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

    "It is therefore clear as concluded above that the BBI taskforce, which was morphed into the steering committee, was the President's and not the people's initiative.


    "It is also quite clear that what was presented as a popular initiative to amend the constitution is, in reality, the President's initiative which is contrary to Article 257 of the constitution," Judge Mwita noted.

    The judge also noted that President Uhuru Kenyatta could not be sued during his tenure as the Head of State. 

    "Criminal proceedings cannot be taken against the President during his tenure as far as legal proceedings are concerned," the judge stated.

    The judges further faulted the 70 new constituencies' proposal terming it unconstitutional. They noted that the jurisdiction falls under the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

    Justice Jairus Ngaah's ruling on BBI on Thursday, May 13, 2021 Photo Courtesy

    "The BBI not only unlawfully takes over the functions of IEBC but also allocates constituencies in violation of constitutional principles set out in Article 89 which IEBC is obliged to adhere to in executing its mandate," judge Matheka stated. 

    The judges also declared all decisions conducted by the IEBC in regards to the BBI bill, including verification of signatures, null and void due to lack of a legal framework.

    "It, therefore, follows that all the decisions made by the IEBC in relation to the propose Constitutional Amendment Bill were invalid, null, and void for lack of quorum," Judge Matheka stated.

    IEBC was further barred from conducting any exercises regarding the BBI bill. The judges added that all parties that were promoting the bill will bear their own cost and no funds should be directed towards the project. 


    1. The Constitution's basic structure doctrine is applicable in Kenya.

    2. Basic structure protects certain fundamental aspects of the Constitution from amendment through the use of secondary constituted power or constituted power. 

    3. The essential features of the Constitution forming the basic structure can only be altered or modified by the people through their sovereign power and not merely through the referendum. 

    4. From a wholistic reading of the Constitution, its history and the context of the making of the Constitution, the basic structure of the Constitution consists of the foundation structure of the Constitution as provided in the preamble, the 18 chapters and six schedules of the Constitution. 

    5. The basic structure doctrine protects the foundation, structure and core value of the Constitution but leaves open certain positions as amendable through procedures outlined in Articles 255, 266 and 257 as long as they do not change the basic structure.

    6. There are certain provisions in the Constitution insulated from any amendment at all because they are deemed to express categorical core values. These provisions are unamendable and cannot be changed through secondary constituted or constituted power. 

    7. The sovereign primary constituent power is only exercisable by the people after four sequential processes namely; civic education, public participation and collection of views, constituted assembly debate and referendum.

    8. The power to amend the Constitution through referendum route under Article 257 is reserved for the private citizen (Wanjiku only), neither the President nor any state organ is permitted under our Constitution to initiate a constitutional amendment using the popular initiative route. 

    9. Under Article 143 (3) of the Constitution, the President can be sued in his or her personal capacity during his or her tenure in office, except for action or mission in respect of anything done or not done in the exercise of his or her powers under the Constitution. 

    10. The Constitution Amendment Bill 2020 which was developed by the BBI Steering Committee and is propagated by the BBI Secretariat is an initiative of the President. The President does not have a Constitutional mandate to initiate amendments through a popular initiative under Article 257.

    11. To the extent that the BBI Steering Committee was employed by the President to initiate proposes to amend the Constitution contrary to Article 257, the BBI Steering Committee is an unconstitutional entity. 

    12. Additionally the BBI Steering Committee is unlawful because the President violated the provisions of Article 132 (4a).

    13. In taking initiatives to amend the Constitution other than through the prescribed means in the Constitution, the President failed to respect uphold and safeguard the Constitution and to that extent, he has fallen short of the leadership and integrity threshold set in Article 73 of the Constitution and in particular Article 173 (1a) thereof. 

    President Uhuru Kenyatta speaking at the BBI launch at Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi on October 26, 2020.
    President Uhuru Kenyatta speaking at the BBI launch at Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi on October 26, 2020. By Brian Kimani,
The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has rehabilitated thousands of kilometres of roads in the country. Photo UNMISS/Emmanuel Kele


The aid worker was killed when assailants fired at a clearly marked humanitarian vehicle that was part of a team of international non-governmental organizations and South Sudanese health workers travelling to a health facility.  

The team was driving from Chukudum to Kapoeta in Budi County in an area that has seen several roadside ambushes this year.

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Alain Noudéhou, has condemned the killing.

“I am shocked by this violent act and send my condolences to the family and colleagues of the deceased. The roads are a vital connection between humanitarian organizations and communities in need, and we must be able to move safely across the country without fear,” he said in a statement on Thursday.

“I call on the Government to strengthen law enforcement along these roads.” 

The incident marked the first killing of an aid worker in South Sudan in 2021.  Nine aid workers were killed in 2020. - United Nations


Kampala, Uganda -There were all kinds of news stories about kidnappings of President Museven's political opponents in Uganda since 2019 that made it sound as if it was happening in a faraway war-toned country.

There were families that could visit radio and television channels and others writing regularly on social media platforms telling stories about how security forces took their loved ones to unknown places. To me, this somehow looked like it was opposition propaganda planned by presidential aspirant Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, a new challenger in 2021 general elections which was aimed at unseating President Museveni who has ruled this East African nation for more than 3 decades. 

It wasn't until my arrest on 21 January 2021 which led me to Uganda's Kitalya Mini Max Prison and interacted with victims of these kidnaps that I began to believe that such news stories of Kidnap were actually true- And such things were taking place in our country. While in Kitalya Mini Max Prison, I came to learn that thousands of youths belonging to opposition groups were languishing here.

The road to Kitalya

I had just returned from a massively rigged election upcountry in my home district of Mbale, in the Eastern part of the country where I contested as a member of parliament for Bungokho Central Constituency on the ticket of ANT headed by Gen. Mugisha Muntu a former ally to the country’s President.  

Because of what we witnessed and the evidence we had that included Vote buying, misleading or confusing ballot papers, Ballot stuffing, voter suppression among others, we decided that we should challenge the ruling party candidate’s victory in court.

But before we could do that, just two days after returning to Kampala, three men in a Toyota primo kidnapped me from Nsambya suburb and was driven 14 kilo meters to Kira Court on the outskirts of Kampala and was immediately sentenced to Kitalya Mini Max Prison on a civil case which had been turned criminal and political.

My journey to Kitalya was quick and unexpected but it had happened and the only thing that was left was fear to endure the conditions in prison since it was my first time as a prisoner because many horrific stories had been talked about it.


It was in the afternoon on 27 February, 2021 when my journey to Kitalya Mini Max Prison started after spending 6 days in Kira police station cell despite being sentenced on 21 February, 2021. A police truck with four armed officers picked 20 of us and a long journey started until we reached Kitalya Mini Max Prison at 7 pm.    

Inside Kitalya Min Max Prison.

Sitting on hundreds of acres of government land, Kitalya Mini-Maximum prison is located in Busunju County Wakiso district along Mityana Road about 55km northwest of Uganda’s capital Kampala is Uganda’s first ever real post-colonial prison. Its construction was started in June 2016 and opened in 2020, it was meant to serve as an alternative prison for long term inmates whose jail sentences range between 20 and 100 years since Luzira is overwhelmed.

However, today this prison serves as a selected safe place for the government to incarcerate political prisoners. It was meant to accommodate up to 4,000 inmates but according to the OC prison who spoke to us during the parade, the prison has more than the number required and is over congested with political prisoners.

Within the many days I was there, I realized that it was almost impossible for inmates to think of escaping from this prison. I established that the prison is secured with a high-rise perimeter wall fence measuring the height of more than 20 meters with more than 70 CCTV camera points and many others inside the facility to monitor inmates.

The prison is equipped with big sized prison wards and about 30 cells and each of them have cameras.  There is a football pitch, volley ball court, basketball court and lawn tennis court, sitting platforms/concrete benches which serves pavilions for inmates but all are monitored with surveillance cameras.

On the outside part, the prison has six watch towers equipped with powerful guns. We discovered that they were powerful guns when one day we heard thundering gunshots in the wee hours of the morning after fallen (counting of inmates) and we were later told that one inmate tried to break the record and escape but ended up in an isolation cell. To many inmates, Kitalya Mini-Maximum prison is another Quantanamo Bay in Uganda.

Inmates are striped off all their Human Rights

While in this prison, I had a chance to talk to many inmates who narrated to me most of these horrifying stories which I later saw with my two eyes. On the second day in this prison, I tried to exercise from inside the ward, but I was quickly warned by one of the ward leader known as Stephen (second name withheld for security reason) who I later discovered that he was convicted to 40 years in prison for murder.

He told me that “you’re making a big mistake. when they find you doing push-ups here, you will sleep in solitary confinement in a room filled with water, for several days and you be accused of plotting to escape from prison or planning to beat up prison warders” Stephen warned.

On the fifth day I also, had chance to see and talk to NUP team, leader by Nubian Li, Eddie Mutwe, allies of Bobi wine who told me how terrible the prison was.  Nubian Li said “we are here suffering because were rejected the many offers of money which Museveni’s regime made to available to us. And if you have joined us here, just be strong brother because is not easy here. We’re the people who are used to exercising and reading books but to read books political in nature is a terrible offense" he said.

After 2 week inside there, a young boy of 19 years whose name is Denis (second name withheld for security reasons) narrated to me how he was arrested in August 2020 by security men in army uniform while he was returning home from Owno market (the country’s biggest market) and he had been on remand for 6 months since he had no one to follow up. He was accused of wearing red cloths belonging to NUP.

This boy’s hope was only in God. As days passed on, I used to see him every day sitting in the corner of the prison ward praying with a rosary. His prayers were heard few days later when a chance of phone calling outside the prison became being available after 6 months. He tried the only number he had in his head for his mother and lucky enough the mother picked.

It was an emotionally day for all of us who were around. Instead of this boy and the mother talking, we heard both of them carrying and since the phone was in loud mode according to prison policy. The mother said, “I have looked for you my son in every prison across the country, where are you, I thought you are dead?” she asked as she cried loudly making some of us inmates around to also cry. 

The boy replied saying “mum I’m in Kitalya Mini-Maximum prison” the boy said. The mother replied that she had come to the same prison for more than 3 times but she was told the boy was not there and they don’t allow visitors due to COVID-19.

The mother ended by saying “don’t worry my son even if it means selling everything I have, I will do it to get you out of there” the mother promised. I left a few days later when Denis was with high hopes praising God that mother was coming to get him out. Boys in the same age like that of Denis were many in these prison and stories of them not appearing before courts because no one is following up on them were common.

Away from that, there are many tales from anyone who has been in this prison can personally tell. When sentenced to Kitalya Mini-Maximum prison, as an inmate, you forget about human rights and the so called international law, because they don’t exist in there.  Inside this prison inmates are subjected to psychological and physical torture.

Remembering my first day of admission, we were humiliated by prison wardens. We went going through beatings, harassments where we were reduced to almost nothing and we were told “you have no rights here. You failed your mother. You failed police and court sentenced you hear. You either follow what we tell or break your leg.” Shouted a prison warden.

All the days I was there, prison wardens kept reminding us “You are in between death and life”. We were advised to be disciplined and go back alive or be indiscipline and go back dead.

Going back to the first day, this was my first time in life to be humiliated. On this day, we were brutally undressed, checked every part of our bodies and later given one pair of very dirty uniforms full of lice.  No one cared if the uniform they were giving us were torn or not. What they only told us was, “this uniform is wash and wear. You as an inmate must make it clean or make sure is not torn. Putting on an underwear is a criminal offense”.

When we reached inside the prison wards, we were welcomed by fellow inmates who also subjected us to psychological torture. Almost two thirds of the inmates within this prison have never been convicted of a crime, many of them have stayed on remand for many years and are frustrated.

In our ward, there were such inmates. The frustrated inmates poured all the anger on us. The new inmates made it difficult for them to live in there.  Going to the toilet was not easy, you asked for permission from the leader of the toilet and when given chance, you had to kneel on the line to the toilet and you were allowed for less than a minute. Failure to adhere to these rules, you were pulled off the toilet.

Sometimes, that chance of going to the toilet did not even come because there was water shortage! Bathing was also a hustle- You had to compete for the little water available. At times, you took several days without having a bath or washing your uniform.

When the leaders of the ward or prison wardens came in, you were supposed to clap in unison to welcome them and thank them with the same clapping when they finish talking, failure to do that, you are subjected beatings by prison wardens. When it came to health, food and accommodation was worse.       

Proper hygiene is difficult with limited government-provided soap. Prisoners face a lot of lice infestation and scabies. I saw Inmates are all day and night seen scratching their bodies.  Most of them coughed, violently, night after night, but doctors tell them that there is no medicine for cough and the best treatment was to drinking water.

There is an acute water shortage, to get water, you have to ask for permission from the water tank leader who offers you a cup of un-boiled water to drink. Sometimes you are denied to drink if water is little and if you had a chance before.

Water is often unclean or unavailable. Boiled water is a commodity sold by inmates with kitchen privileges. Mosquitoes and malaria are a constant threat since prison administration has forbidden nets for male inmates because of security fears. Tuberculosis (TB) is common but to get tested, the samples are taken to Luzira prison and they can take weeks to return. 

As an inmate, I witnessed something which was very new to me, we often slept on one shoulder, packed together so that we can only shift if an entire row agrees to roll at once. One ward which is less than half the size of a football pitch was packed with 270 or 300 inmates.

Shortage of food is common in this prison. Prison food is nutritionally deficient, leaving inmates vulnerable to infections. Some of the inmates complained to the doctors, how they were passing stool with blood but nothing was done. Food served in this prison is porridge, posho and beans. On several occasions I was there, food was served late and sometimes we were served with only porridge until the next day.  These posho and beans are bad. Beans are infested by insects. Sometimes you just get soup with no beans. Posho is so bad.

To date, amid post-election tensions in Uganda and reports of the abduction and detention of hundreds of members of the opposition, several youths across the country continue to face arrest and were are taken is Kitalya Mini-Maximum prison.

The prison which costed the Ugandan government about 18.3 bn Ushs has attracted other African leaders. The Ethiopian government which also commonly suffers political riots has been sending its own officials to benchmark on the same. The last such benchmarking visit was made on 6th May 2019 when CGP Byabashaija hosted his Ethiopian counterpart.

NUP candidate Bobi Wine was defeated in the January 14 election, with incumbent President Yoweri Museveni taking 58.64% of the vote to win a sixth term in office after 35 years of rule. But Bobi Wine has alleged widespread fraud and continue saying citizens should reject the result. President Yoweri Museveni, won a decisive re-election victory in an election where there were no EU or US observers allowed.

The US State Department’s top diplomat for Africa, Tibor Nagy, had said in a tweet just after the January 14 elections that the "electoral process has been fundamentally flawed".

He cited fraud reports, denial of accreditation to observers, violence and harassment of opposition members, and the arrest of civil society activists.

Even the Africa Elections Watch coalition, which deployed 2,000 observers in 146 districts, had said in a statement that they had observed irregularities, including the late opening of most polling stations, missing ballot papers and illegally opened ballot boxes.



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