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Informer East Africa is a UK based diaspora Newspaper. It is a unique platform connecting East Africans at home and abroad through news dissemination. It is a forum to learn together, grow together and get entertained at the same time.

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Latest News

US former President Donald Trump convicted and to be sentenced

US former President...

By JULIUS MBALUTO Donald Trump has been found guilty in hush money case. The Jury found him guilty o...

UN votes to extend arms embargo on South Sudan

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The U.N. Security Council voted Thursday to extend an arms embargo on South Sudan for one year despi...

Kalonzo urges House to pass Nadco Bills without amendments

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Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and ODM leader Raila Odinga. [File, Standard] Wiper leader Kalonzo Mus...

Decades-long trial proves early treatment slashes diabetes deaths, but how do we identify killer condition?

Decades-long trial p...

IEA News A trial lasting more than four decades has proved that treating type 2 diabetes early reduc...

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