KHARTOUM - 15 April 2023 it was the beginning of a sad story for the Sudanese, when the Rapid Support Forces militia launched a serious war on the Sudanese government army in order to control the government in Sudan.
The result of this attack was harsh on the Sudanese, who were displaced, killed, and raped by the Rapid Support Forces militia.
And after a sudden control over large areas in Sudan ، the Rapid Support forces rapidly lost almost complete control over their deployment areas in central Sudan after they extended from the center of the capital Khartoum to the borders of the city of Damazin, 600 kilometers south, and from the southeast to the borders of the city of Abu rukhm on the borders of the state of Gedaref in eastern Sudan.
The deployment of the Rapid Support forces did not stop in the south and center of the country, but extended eastward to the Al-Faw District of Al-Qadarif and took control of several towns including it.
But these forces, which were deployed in the center of the country, lost control after accelerated military operations carried out by the Sudanese army, forcing them to retreat to the borders of the capital.
The center of Sudan represents the strategic depth of the country, and witnessed fierce battles between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support forces, the largest of which was in the town of Jebel Moya in the state of Sinnar, a battle that lasted for days in which the army used warplanes and marches so intensively that the Rapid Support commander Mohammed Hamdan Daglo (hemedti) said in press statements that "a neighboring country to Sudan is the one who defeated his forces in Jebel Moya through the Air Force".
The town of Jebel Moya, surrounded by a series of high mountains in Sudan, is connected to the center, west, south and East, and was taken over by the Rapid Support forces in July 2024 through organized attacks led by the Rapid Support commander of the Sennar axis, Lieutenant Colonel Abdul Rahman Al-Bishi, before he was killed in an air strike carried out by the Sudanese Air Force in the town of Tayba Al-lahwin near Jebel Moya.
After the army took control of the town of Jabal Moya, it was able to close the supply line of the Rapid Support forces located in Sinja, Al-dander, Abu Hajar and dalnil on the outskirts of al-Damazin.
The army launched intensive ground attacks in which it recaptured most of the cities of Sinnar state, including the capital Sinja, and managed to break the Rapid Support siege on Sinnar city, which lasted for months, then the army headed from Sinnar and Sinja west towards the Sinnar Sugar Factory and the cities of Jazira state, starting from wad Al-Haddad to Wad Madani.
Several reasons played a decisive role in the superiority of the Sudanese army in the battles in the center of the country-especially in the states of Sinnar and Gezira - and led to the retreat of the Rapid Support forces to more than 600 kilometers to the borders of Khartoum state.
The most notable of these are:
The army possessed an air force that played very effectively and managed to cut off rapid support supply lines.
The most prominent leaders of the rapid support in central Sudan, most notably the commander of the rapid support in Sinnar State, Lieutenant Colonel Abdul Rahman Al-Bishi, the commander of the rapid in Al-Jazeera State, Major General Abdullah Hussein, and Mahdi Rahma (jalha) the most prominent leaders of the rapid support in Al-Jazeera.
The joining of a force from the Sudan shield led by Abu Aqla Kekel, who previously served as the commander of rapid support in the state of Al-Jazeera, was a milestone in the battles in the center of the country, according to observers.
The qualitative weapons that the army has recently possessed-including the Air Force and long-range marches-played a pivotal role in its victories in central Sudan.
As for the capital Khartoum, it is almost free from the rebellion, which was confined to small peripheral areas on the outskirts of Khartoum, and the militia fled in large numbers towards the Darfur region. By Mohamed Saad Kamil, Editor-in-Chief of Brown Land Newspaper-Sudan