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Today, Matia Kasaija, the minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development will present a Shs 72 trillion budget for the financial year 2024-2025. Devon Ssuubi and Timothy Nsubuga went to the streets and asked the public what they would like from the budget.
Enoch Mwebazza, an IT consultant
I stopped being interested in the budget because, truth be told, the money allocated only benefits government workers that earn salaries. Their initiatives have failed year in and year out.
I know they will say that in the last financial year there has been an improvement in infrastructure such as roads and other sectors. But the truth is that all those are lies. Inflation is always affecting farmers.
If at all they feel like they want to help, they should start on the roads. That is because, however much people don’t earn directly from having good roads, they are indirectly affected economically when the roads are in a poor state. For example, farmers cannot move their produce if the roads are bad.
Davis Atwine, a businessman
More money should be allocated to the health sector by constructing more hospitals because most of them are in a poor state, especially those in the rural areas. They should also put more drugs in them.
Shahan Owakayumbake, market vendor
I would wish to see more money allocated to the health sector because some people get sick and get treatment abroad. And yet most Ugandans can’t afford that kind of treatment.

Gaston Bernard Atusimire, a businessman
They should allocate most of the money towards agriculture to ensure farmers have access to agricultural inputs.
Brain Sserunjongi, researcher at EPRC
It is time more money is spent on productive sectors such as tourism, agriculture, oil and gas. Things that can be able to create jobs, especially for our youths, given the increasing crime rates on the streets and unemployment.
Secondly, I know we still have infrastructure deficits, but it would be good to strike a balance between developing infrastructure and also investing in productive sectors. We have had issues where roads have been built in areas where there is no production.
People are using those nice roads to dry cassava and maize. It is high time we promoted value addition and boost the production base. For example, in the central region, every time coffee is doing well, poverty reduces. Human development is also important. The budget should spend a lot more money on the health and education sectors.
Felister, food vendor
The government should begin with the roads because most of them are in a poor state. Just look at this Kamwokya road, full of potholes everywhere.
Then the education sector should also be considered by constructing more government-aided schools so as to help parents that find it hard to raise school fees. Lastly, I beseech the government to allocate money for traders, like maybe in our Saccos, for borrowing at low interest rates.
Ashraf, a chapatti maker
Let them reduce the taxes because various businesses have failed due to the high tax rates. They should also channel more money towards the health sector so that people can get free medical care and services. They they should also invest more money in fixing the roads.
Michael Namanya, shopkeeper
More money should be allocated to the health sector because people are dying because of poor health facilities. Also, there is a need improve the road network. This will ease the transportation of goods and also decrease the rate of accidents.
Mwambu, bodaboda rider
I think the government should allocate more money towards fixing the bad roads. Even though the government increases the taxes that it collects from the masses, most of the money should be allocated to road construction. This will enable the reduction of road accidents. by DEVON SSUUBI & TIMOTHY NSUBUGA. The Observer