The Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs arrest and revelations have underlined for me the complaint I hear young women say, “But all the good men are gay!”

It sounds like an exaggeration when they say it, but now I am starting to believe it. The number of married couples implicated in P. Diddy’s mostly gay orgies is mind-blowing, and to think how many empires are going to crumble by the time this case is done... 

Which brings me to Uganda, where it is true that many spouses are finding themselves forced into open marriages they never really signed up for. I have written before about married corporate women in Kampala that have given up on their husbands’ cheating ways, as the circle of wives allegedly indulge one another in lesbian unions to ‘balance the boat’.

What has happened to the institution of marriage?

A Ugandan living and working in Canada once called to say he had caught his wife red-handed with the neighbour’s wife, having sex on their couch and he did not know how to proceed. I had no answers, either, but I guess he figured it out somehow, because they are still ‘happily’ married.

Then, you just have to talk to young married couples to be shocked by how many wives admit to their husbands regularly ‘losing their way’ and ending up in the wrong opening, or at the least, trying and begging to go up there. 

Because of how much homosexuality is frowned upon in Uganda and most of Africa – not to mention the recent anti-homosexuality law – many gay men are marrying women in lavish weddings and then subjecting them to non-consensual anal sex. I will never understand some things, I admit. 

Similarly, a young woman’s video has been circulating on TikTok about her search for justice after a man she was dating forced her into anal sex and messed up her digestive system, and she is now in and out of hospitals. Reading the drama surrounding P. Diddy’s orgies and the thousand bottles of baby oil seized from his mansion brings this debate back to these pages.

Why are gay/bisexual men marrying purely heterosexual women? Because the latter can never reconcile herself with the former’s preferences; it is just what it is. A former religion-based marriage counsellor said when she was practicing, the number of women complaining about forced anal sex during her therapy sessions, was overwhelming. 

God-fearing women who were not ready to divorce their husbands, had no idea how to interest their men in the vagina instead of its neighbour. 

“I didn’t know how to break it to them that their darlings were gay men hiding in the marriages,” she said.

And I thought that only happened in Uganda and Africa: gay men and lesbians marrying in heterosexual unions to eliminate any queries and suspicion. P. Diddy’s case shows otherwise, despite being in the ‘land of the free/brave’. The kind of stories we are going to read about this week...ho!

The number of celebrities possibly shaking in their boots and holding their breath at what is going to jump out of the woodworks next... I would not want to be in their shoes.

If anybody thought Jeffrey Epstein’s was a bad case, wait for this Diddy thing to fully unravel. The things people do for money and power, as the rest of us in this small world stand and covet their glitter, forgetting that not all of it is gold! By Carolyne Nakazibwe, The Observer