Rotarians have built a 48 bed dormitory in a school for orphans in Uganda so they will not have walk six miles through the bush.

The girls outside the dormitory at their Ugandan school

Rotarians from Kinver and Bewdley raised £14,000 for the Planting For Hope Uganda charity led by Kate Oakley which built the dormitory.

The building will provide safe accommodation for girls who can now get a full time education, clean water and two meals a day.

Kate Oakley said: "The girls are loving living in the dormitory. They feel really safe because they don't have the daily trek to and from school through bush and scrubland, along rough tracks. In the rainy season this journey is impossible so they miss several weeks of schooling which they hate.

"It's the first time any of them have slept in a proper bed with a mattress, pillow, sheets and blanket and not had to share a sleeping space on the floor with siblings." 

She added: "They have more time to relax with friends. Chores are fewer and shared and they do not have to walk several miles to and from school each day. Clean water is at hand and it is safe to drink straight from the water tank. They also have electricity so they can see to do homework."

Retired teacher Kate founded the charity with a young Ugandan graduate Apollo Saku in 2012 while volunteering and fundraising for another bush village in Uganda following the death of her husband. 

Since then continued sponsorship has funded the building, equipping and staffing of Cornerstone School which is the only school in the region that offers free places to children from destitute families. 

Ian Maddock, chairman of Kinver Rotary Club International Committee, said: "As a former headteacher I believe that we owe it to children, wherever in the world they may be, to educate them. It is a path out of poverty, can enhance their self-respect and enables them both to be self-sufficient and to contribute to their society.

"This project will provide this opportunity for countless children over the coming years."

Kate believes the Rotarians' fundraising efforts will change the lives of the Ugandan orphans beyond recognition. 

She said: "Kinver and Bewdley Rotary Clubs, together with District, have supported PfHU from the beginning. Two members of Bewdley Rotary have been out to visit the project in the bush village of Kititi on several occasions.

"I cannot thank Heart of England Rotary enough for the support they have given us. We would certainly not have this new dormitory without their help. Other projects they have funded include purchase of land to enable the women to grow food to feed their families, a borehole for clean water, water harvesting, solar panels, desks and bunk beds, sewing machines, showers and latrines."

She added: "We could not have achieved so much in the time without the tremendous support of Heart of England Rotary. We have achieved far more than we thought possible, in a relatively short time, because of that support." By Adam Smith, Express & Star News