Santosh Gumte, the Kansai Plascon Uganda MD, made this statement recently at the beginning of the annual Paint and Win promotion dubbed “Ku Ground.”

“Feedback is the staple food for those that are always on the cutting edge of innovation and change. This explains why we are dedicating time and resources to ensure we have our eyes, ears and feet “Ku Ground”,” he said.

Moses Kato, Plascon’s sales manager, stated that despite Uganda’s growing internet usage, which stands at approximately 11.77 million users, and an internet penetration rate of 24.6% of the total population at the beginning of 2023, there is still a need for on-the-ground engagements with customers.

According to digital trends specialists Kepios’ January 2023 research, 20.5 million Ugandans use social media, accounting for 4.3% of the country’s estimated 47.9 million population.

“Being on social media or “Ku Ground” should not be a case of either, or. We are growing our footprint in both spaces. While we are investing in social listening tools, we are also engaging on ground activation teams. This enables us to tap into any developing cultural trends and gauge how the brand can leverage them for further growth. This is because feedback is key to tailored innovation,” said Santosh.

A total of ten town activations and one major activation per region have been scheduled in an effort for the brand to engage as many customers as possible during the promotion time-period. This is also meant to enhance believability and also reinforce faith in the brand.

The promotion will also have a Corporate Social Responsibility component embedded into it.

“This year alone, over Shs 800 million has been spent on social causes in health, education, religion, cultural preservation and sports development, and we are proud of the numerous success stories from these,” Santosh added.

The brand will continue to engage with the customers in several life-uplifting projects meant to leave a longer-lasting mark way after the promotion is concluded. Written by Geoffrey Serugo, The Observer