Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has encouraged Kenyans to maintain hope in the approaching New Year and unite against corruption and greed.

In his New Year’s message on Sunday, Kalonzo conveyed optimism, expressing his belief that Kenyans would diligently strive to rectify misguided policies in the country.

“As we welcome 2024, I wish my fellow Kenyans God’s blessings whether we are Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. All Kenyans, wherever you are here or abroad, please keep Hope Alive. We have only One Nation – our Motherland Kenya,” said Kalonzo.

The ex-Vice President noted that the upcoming year will mark a pivotal moment for Kenyans who endured both challenging and hard economic times, prompting the Opposition coalition to organize protests.

“Fellow Kenyans, as we bid farewell to 2023 a year that has been both challenging and at times overwhelming. Kenyans have lost their lives because of the Kenya Kwanza regime’s arrogant reaction to peaceful protests. They were overwhelmed to their graves. 2024, I believe, will be a crucial year, indeed, a watershed moment for all of us,” he said.

He criticized the Kenya Kwanza government for not swiftly implementing established measures to address the disaster caused by the El Nino rains in different regions of the country.

Kalonzo asserted that the allocation of funds from the National government to counties, aimed at protecting Kenyans from the El Nino threat, appeared to be unsuccessful, despite prior warnings from the Meteorological Department.

“The year has also seen the El Niño phenomenon visit us again. The elements of nature could not take orders from those in authority who denied its pending existence. The disbursement of funds to the counties seemed to be prevaricated. Those in control seemed confused, disorganized, and ultimately overwhelmed,” he said.

“Happy New Year and God’s Blessings I wish for all of you!” By Wangechi Purity, Capital News