UK nationals will need a valid ETIAS pass to enter the majority of European countries with revised dates issued© Getty Images/iStockphoto

EU officials have confirmed when you'll need a new travel pass before being allowed into Europe. They have issued a revised schedule for when they expect the new rules to come into effect.

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System - ETIAS for short - will mean anyone wanting to travel to 30 European countries. will need to apply online for approval to do so. The electronic pass will be linked to your passport and valid for up to three years or until the passport expires, whichever comes first. 

Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands and Cyprus are among the countries where people from the UK and dozens of other nations around the world will need to obtain an ETIAS ahead of their visit. It will cost seven euros per person - just over £6 in UK currency - and you'll need to pay by credit or debit card at the time of application.

The fee applies to adults between the ages of 18 and 70. Others who are younger than 18 or older than 70 will not have to pay. By David Bentley, Birmingham Mail