President Kersti Kaljulaid's state visit to Kenya. (Photo: Raigo Pajula / presidendi kantselei)


President Kersti Kaljulaid became Estonia's first head of state to make an offical visit to Kenya this week to promote "business diplomacy" between the two countries.

"Nairobi is the heart of economic life for the entire African continent and many Estonian companies want to expand their reach here," said Kristel Engman, from the foreign relations department of the President's Office.

Engman said Kenya is also one of the main centers of "diplomatic life in Africa" and hosts the headquarters of several international agencies. The country has also expressed interest in Estonia's education system, e-government and digital experience.

Writing on social media on Thursday after a meeting with Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kaljulaid said: "There's a great potential for our countries, people & businesses in this cooperation."

On Thursday, foreign minister Eva-Maria Liimets (Center) met with the foreign minister of Kenya Raychelle Awuor Omamo.

The pair discussed bilateral relations, cooperation in the UN Security Council, the COVID-19 situation in Africa and the world, and digital options for supporting developing societies. 

"We are fellow members with Kenya at the UN Security Council until the end of this year and see great potential for cooperation in international peace and security as well as digital development and economic cooperation. We also have a shared interest in education cooperation," Liimets said. 

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Marko Mihkelson (Reform) and a business delegation have also accompanied Kaljuaid on the trip, which lasts until Sunday. - Helen Wright, ERR News